A Stroll Through Jacaranda Lanes by Jayson Castor


ARTIST NOTES: Walk under the purple trees in 'A Stroll in Jacaranda Lane,' and you'll feel the magic of Jacaranda season. These trees bloom in beautiful purple flowers, but only for two weeks each year. The artwork captures that short time when the blossoms create a pretty violet carpet above you. Imagine taking a calm walk, stopping to enjoy the view. The sunlight makes shadows among the flowers, giving a peaceful feeling. It's all about appreciating the brief and wonderful moments when nature puts on a show during Jacaranda season.

- This painting won an award for People's Choice @ Walkerville Art Show 2023

DIMENSIONS (Height - 56.00 cm X Width - 76.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Watercolour on Paper
GENRE Landscape
REGISTERED NRN # 000-44662-0143-01
COPYRIGHT © Jayson Castor


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Artist: Jayson Castor


I'm a watercolour impressionist who focuses on the interpretation of the architecture, the movement of people, shadows, reflections, streetscape/landscape from all over the world. I have been part of several exhibitions from 2014, in several countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, and Australia. Received several awards, such as Top 200 Watercolour Artists at the International Watercolour Masters in Shropshire, England, Top 200 Artist at the 2016 Taiwan International Watercolour Competition & Exhibition, and Best Promising Young Artist at the South Australia Living Artist (SALA) 2021.